Our team treat common to complex injuries and conditions
We understand that each condition and its symptoms are presented differently, requiring an approach tailored to each patients individual goals.

Conditions we treat
Although Pregnancy is exciting and a blessing, it can be hard work. The mental and physical stresses a mother has to endure through this period can be quite daunting.
Luckily, Natural Health Care is extremely effective in easing these stresses. Chiropractic, Massage and Homeopathy have been scientifically proven to assist on many levels throughout a pregnancy. Easing muscle and joint strain, reducing fatigue and nausea, and ensuring a safe and natural delivery are just some of the concerns our Health professionals provide assistance for with great results.
If you are pregnant or know someone who is pregnant, don’t leave it too late and book yourself in with one of our experienced Professionals today.

Lower Back Pain
Low back pain is a common muscular problem that affects 80% of our population at some point in their lives. Lower back pain has been shown to create more sick leave than any other medical problem.
Symptoms: Lower back pain can present itself differently according to the cause of the problem. The most common symptoms include an ache, which in most cases you can feel when moving in a particular motion a sharp shooting pulsing pain, which is more serious and can be caused by a nerve impingement or more serious injury
At DHCTC we look at all aspects of your lifestyle, repetitive habits, nutritional intake, muscular and postural imbalances to determine the cause. This is one condition our team have great success with.

Headaches are strongly associated with stress and muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. Headaches can vary in strength and in location.
Most people consider a pain killer to reduce the symptoms but rarely tackle the cause.
As a health professional treating the neck and shoulders to relieve tension is imperative. We here at DHCTC go one step further and look at all aspects of the individual’s life to get the true understanding of the condition to find what the true headache is.

Neck/Shoulder Pain
Your neck and shoulders contain muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, and veins, as well as many ligaments and other supporting structures. Many conditions can cause pain in the neck and shoulder area. Some are life-threatening (such as heart attack and major trauma), and others are not so dangerous (such as simple strains or contusions).
The most common cause of shoulder pain and neck pain is injury to the soft tissues including the muscles, tendons, and ligaments within these structures. This can occur from whiplash or other injury to these areas. Degenerative arthritis of the spine in the neck (cervical spine) can pinch nerves that can cause both neck pain and shoulder pain. Degenerative disc disease in the neck (cervical spondylosis) can cause local neck pain. Abnormal conditions involving the spinal cord, heart, lungs, and some abdominal organs also can cause neck and shoulder pain
Here are some other examples:
- Postural Misalignment
- Muscle Tension and Stress
- Broken Collar Bone
- Bursitis
- Heart Attacks
- Broken Shoulder Blade
- Whiplash
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Shoulder or A-C Separation
- Tendonitis
- Gall Bladder
To treat the pain our chiropractor will go through a series of tests and assessments to properly identify and diagnose the problem. Generally treatment of the neck and shoulders go hand in hand as they are so closely linked and tied in with each other. Most of the time the pain or condition is a result of another condition or imbalance. Our health professionals will strive to identify the true cause, along with relieving the present symptoms.

Neck Pain
Neck pain is often described by patients as being of an achy discomfort. Such discomfort begins in the back of the neck and radiates out over the upper shoulder muscles into the region just below the skull and down the shoulder blades. Neck pain is often associated with pins and needles or a burning sensation leading to a restriction in movement. This pain is generally worse in the morning and evenings as muscles tighten through lack of movement.
Our team will conduct a range of nerve, joint and muscular test to understand the cause and severity. From here treatment and rehabilitation will commence. A Speedy recovery is our first goal to minimize pain and discomfort, from here we endeavour to educate and continue to take measures to maintain a pain free state for the long run.

Poor Posture
The best posture is where the body is in full and complete alignment; Where there is no over use or compensation of muscles, tendons and joints; when the spine is able to function at its optimal level so it can transport messages at its ideal capacity and the joints muscles and nerves can function to there full and maximum ability with out over stress.
Daily stresses, like work, family obligations, emotional stress, repetitive motions, and bad habits can all lead to poor posture.
We feel it is our obligation as a health professional to help rectify the individual’s postural concerns, and give the tools required to maintain an ideal posture. Most patients through postural realignment report other improvements apart from no pain like, a reduction in stress levels, better sleep, more energy, better digestion, less skin dysfunction and the list goes on.

Work and Sport Related Injuries (Joint or Muscular)
Work Related injuries are being treated more and more by Doctors of Chiropractic in Australia and around the globe. Research has indicated that greater and rapid results are being achieved through chiropractic care when it came to work related injuries, due to the effectiveness of the treatment techniques applied by chiropractors.
A DHCTC from 2009 to 2010 we saw a dramatic increase of 300% of work related injuries come through the clinic. Not because more people were getting injured but because more patients were being referred or recommended to us.
DHCTC also works closely with Australia’s top athletes for injury treatment, prevention and body maintenance. Some athletes include Australia’s top figure skaters, Australia’s leading Mixed Martial Arts Competitors, an our soccer and league rising stars.

Scoliosis is a condition where a person’s spine displays an abnormal curve. On an x-ray, the scoliosis of the spine may dsplay an “S” or a “C” like structure as opposed to a straight line. Scoliosis is typically classified as being caused by vertebral abnormality present at birth), a non-specified cause or having developed as a result of another condition, such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy, or leg length discrepancy or another type of physical trauma.
We often get calls about scoliosis and whether or not it is a treatable condition. YES of course it is. We use a specific style of treatment derived from clinical application in the UK called spinal shifting. Our Principal Chiropractor Classes this as his specialty and has a great success rate.
Relief from scoliosis means that our patients won’t have to undergo surgery, or take medications, and stop the suffering associated with the condition.
Due to the significant numbers of patients with scoliosis who find relief from our chiropractic care, many health professionals and GPs have recommended chiropractic at DHCTC as their first option for treatment.

Doctors of Chiropractic and Remedial Massage therapists regularly treat sciatica. Sciatica presents itself as a pain that starts in the lower back or buttock region and refers into one or both legs sometimes to the toes. The pain is described as dull, achy, sharp, and pins and needles are often experienced. Other symptoms include burning, numbness and tingling sensations.
Sciatica is generally caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve. This could be due to disc compression, tight buttock muscles, leg length discrepancy, and other postural imbalances.
Our health professionals will determine the cause and successfully treat the symptoms. As we have a diverse team sciatica is much easier to treat through our specified care plan.

Knee Injuries/Pain
There are many different disorders, diseases, syndromes, inflammations and other injuries which are associated with the knee that can cause knee pain. As the knee is positioned between the hip and the foot it is important that the knee is moving in its ideal position. When it is not moving in its ideal position, regardless of the cause, pain is the result. Each cause is treated differently as the main goal is to rectify the cause.
Chiropractic, massage and orthotic therapy are all important for the treatment of any knee condition, as all three are highly effective depending on the situation.

Foot Imbalances
Your feet are the foundation of your body. Like any building structure an unstable foundation can cause severe damage to the upper structure and create cracks within the walls. If you have an imbalance in your feet this too can create damage to the upper structures. Misalignments and over compensations can take place which result in pain to different parts of your body including your feet. One major cause of these imbalances is excess pronation, which is the collapse of the arch and ankle joint. Others may refer to it as flat foot.
As this is the most common, misalignments and imbalances can also be caused by high arches and other foot types. Please refer to the attachment – treat the cause to learn more about associated conditions and best forms of treatment.

Hip Injuries/Pain
The hip joint attaches the leg to the torso of the body. In the hip joint, the head of the thigh bone (femur) swivels in a socket, called the acetabulum, that is made up of pelvic bones. While many causes of hip pain can arise from the joint itself, there are numerous structures surrounding the hip that can also be the source of pain. Pain from other sources can be referred to the hip, meaning that while the hip hurts, the problem originates elsewhere.
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve as it arises from the back can cause hip pain, especially if the L1 or L2 nerve roots are involved. Other types of nerve pain may manifest as hip pain, including pain arising in the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, which is often inflamed in pregnancy. Pain from an inguinal hernia can also cause pain that is felt in the hip. One common cause of hip pain that many practitioners overlook is the chance of a leg length discrepancy. If one leg is longer than the other it can cause excessive tension in the hip joint from the added pressure.
Hip pain is a nonspecific complaint that requires the health-care practitioner to find the underlying cause, from injury to illness. Without specific trauma, the approach to the diagnosis of hip pain requires an open mind. The chiropractor can diagnose the cause and from there can either put a treatment plan together for you or refer you for a remedial massage or to another health professional all together if required.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull.
TMJ complex can arise from clenching or grinding of the teeth. This can cause referred pain in the form of headaches, neck pain, shoulder aches and toothaches.
The symptoms of TMJ disorders depends on the severity and cause of your condition. The most common symptom is the pain in the jaw and surrounding muscles.
Other symptoms typically associated with these disorders include:
• Stiffness in the muscles of the jaw
• Limited movement of the jaw
• Locking of the jaw
• Clicking or popping sound from the TMJ site
• Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)
• Vertigo
• Shift in the jaw, changing the way that the upper and lower teeth align
The DHCTC team can treat this condition and help alleviate the pain.

There are many different classifications of arthritis. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis affects the joints of the body. It is usually caused by wear and tear but can also be caused by injury.
Symptoms include: Muscular aches and pains, and limited range of motion within the joint, and of course joint inflammation.
Although osteoarthritis can’t be cured, treatment can help reduce the symptoms and slow down if not stop its progression.
Our Chiropractors and massage theraspist deal with many arthritis sufferers to help reduce the pressure off the joints and relax the muscles around it, therefore, reducing the pain and inflammation.

High or Low Blood Pressure
Nerve interference in the neck is a major contributor to high blood pressure. We have patients who’s blood pressure drops after just one chiropractic treatment, it is that effective
In 2007 Dr. George Bakris of The University of Chicago’s Hypertension Centre’s reported that he and his team were amazed by the effects of chiropractic care on patients with High Blood Pressure. This followed a study, during which Dr. Bakris and his team examined 25 patients in the early stages of hypertension who received an adjustment in the upper neck region from a Doctor of Chiropractic, against 25 patients who received a placebo adjustment.
No patients were on blood pressure medication for 8 weeks. Blood pressure was measured at the start and end of study. X-rays were also taken before and after the treatment to show a measurable difference in the position of the vertebrae.
Dr. Bakris said he was shocked to discover that the patients who received just one adjustment experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure to the extent as if they had been taking “not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination” without any adverse side-effects.
This study further supports what chiropractic techniques have been demonstrating for years – spinal misalignments prevent your body from functioning at the optimal level.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an injury caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist. The injury causes numbness and pain especially in the index and middle fingers and weakness of the thumb develops. The name carpal tunnel comes from the eight bones in the wrist, called carpals, which form a “tunnel” through which the nerve leading to the hand extends. Our chiropractors commonly treat CTS. Adjusting the wrist, hands and upper spine are the main points of treatment for the chiropractor. Other treatments like massage may be advised, or a wrist support, depending on the severity and other external factors.
In a study, 25 individuals diagnosed with CTS reported significant improvements in several measures of strength, range of motion, and pain after receiving chiropractic treatment.

Muscular Tension
Muscle tension is a common problem for people all over the world, and many people find themselves seeking out ways to relieve muscle tension in the long and short term. A number of things can lead to muscle tension including physically demanding jobs, poor posture, stress, repetitive motion, and the use of poor body mechanics. A number of techniques can be undertaken to relieve muscle tension, although it is also important to correct the situation or behaviour which leads to the problem.
One of the best ways to relieve muscle tension is massage. Massage therapy involves manipulating the body, working with the muscles and other soft tissue to improve mobility and health. A massage can relieve muscle tension by working out areas where the muscle is contracted, sore, or not being used to its best ability.
For advanced adjustments, a chiropractor may be preferred to a massage therapist.

Scar tissue (old Injuries)
Do you have an injury that won’t heal properly? Or an injury that just keeps coming back? This may be a scar tissue concern.
While most people are well aware of the importance of applying the R.I.C.E. regime to a sprain or strain in the first 48 to 72 hours, it’s after this that most people get stuck. It is important that relevant treatment and rehabilitation takes place.
When a muscle is torn, you would expect that the body would repair that tear with new muscle. In reality, this doesn’t happen. The tear, or rupture, is repaired with scar tissue. Scar tissue is made from a very tough, inflexible fibrous material. This fibrous material binds itself to the damaged soft tissue fibers in an effort to draw the damaged fibers back together. What results is a bulky mass of fibrous scar tissue completely surrounding the injury site. In some cases it’s even possible to see and feel this bulky mass under the skin.
When scar tissue forms around an injury site, it is never as strong as the tissue it replaces. It also has a tendency to contract and deform the surrounding tissues, so not only is the strength of the tissue diminished, but flexibility of the tissue is also compromised.
Two great ways to combat scar tissue and bring the injured site to its ideal function is manual therapy like massage and chiropractic, and stretching. Manual therapy can break down the scar tissue and promote new muscle growth and strength. Stretching can also provide breakdown, and promotion of ideal mobility.

Whiplash refers to an acceleration/deceleration injury to the neck, to put it simply a sudden high impact jolt to the joint and muscles in the neck region.
It may result for a motor vehicle accident but other activities can also cause this type of injury. The impact to the neck may result in bony or soft tissue injuries creating a variety of signs and symptoms. People often complain of dizziness, stiff neck and shoulders, lack of mobility through the neck, trouble sleeping, and headaches.
Like an injury we have to be certain of the extent of damage caused. Imaging like x-rays or MRI’s may be required for this and then the best action plan is taken from there.
At DHCTC we have a highly successful assessment and treatment plan for whiplash patients. Our process also includes ample education and home exercises to ensure the individual achieves the best results.

Buldging Disc
A bulging disc is a condition usual related to the the lumber spine (Lower Back Region). It happens when a disk bulges through a crevice in the spine. Discs are important as their soft gel like body cushion the vertebrae of the spine. When the disc shifts out of its normal alignment it causes the disc to bulge out.
A bulging disc is different to a herniated disc. Usually a herniated disc is a result of an injury or trauma to the spine and happens more suddenly as opposed to a bulging disc which occurs over a period of time. A Bulging disc can become herniated. This leads to pain as it pushes on a nerve.
Many times a bulging disc is only found after viewing MRI scans or other imaging as in many cases now pain is felt. It can be secondary to another condition and is treated while treating the cause of the primary condition.
Instead of surgery most people come to us first as our chiropractic care for this condition is extremely effective. To treat a the bulging disc, our chiropractor will first identify the cause, then may use low force spinal adjustment techniques to realign the spine and relieve pressure on the spinal nerves. For our patients, this has lead to successful relief of the painful symptoms