Elina is an experienced and qualified Massage Therapist, Homeopath and Doula. With over 10 years of supporting women through pregnancies, it is always admirable when her patients share their stories.
Ania has a beautiful birth and pregnancy story and we hope you enjoy it.
Ania’s birth story
I have been under care of Elina since 3 months pregnant. I wanted to find homeopathic doula and I was very lucky to get in touch with Elina. My husband Allan and I decided since I didn’t have my mother present, I will need some support person to attend the birth, to make sure that my birth is natural and best possible outcome for me and the baby.
During consultations with Elina I was informed on what kind of food to eat during pregnancy, what exercise to do, what supplement to take. Elina is also amazing massage therapist, after each session with her I felt like new woman. From 36 weeks onwards I was taking Homeopathic remedy called Amazonite which gentle open me up and prepare me for birthing experience.
I was over my due date 40+1 when I had strong urge to go to for walk to particular place between Maroubra and Coogee I wanted to go there few days before but finally went there on Tuesday reaching the beach overlooking the ocean, I saw pod of dolphins there were about 20 dolphins playing on the waves. I knew this was a positive sign for me – I am crazy about dolphins and this is why I moved to Australia.
I cried and thanked and I knew that the baby will arrive tonight or tomorrow.
From this magic place I was standing I suddenly felt the urge to have a bout diarrhoea and I was 1 km away from the toilets. I never walk/ run so fast during pregnancy and made it!
That Night I was ok a bit of pains here and there. I wake up at 6am my waters started to trickle. I woke up Allan who supported me during the pains. I called hospital and Elina and we ate breakfast.
Elina arrived around 8am and pains were more intense by then we went to hospital to for a check-up. All was well and they send us home. At home pains become more intense Elina gave me massage to help my uterus and bladder. We managed to go for lunch to cafe near ocean and then come back as the pain got really intense I was not comfortable lying down anymore. My waters broke completely during this time Elina was giving me homeopathic remedies to manage pains and make contraction productive. When contractions were 3 minutes apart we called the hospital and were told to come to hospital.
I was examined and nurse told me that I am 9 cm dilated. From my studies I thought I have heaps of time that I will be probably pushing for about two hours.
So I insisted my birth pool will be filled and I couldn’t understand why midwife was hesitant. So I waited and actually held my baby in by will power until the pool was full. I was asked to sit in the pool by the midwife, a position which I didn’t like sitting.
Make an appointment with Elina to discuss your birth plan and talk about how Elina can support your journey through pregnancy to motherhood. Whether it is all her services, a remedial massage or homeopathic consult at DHCTC, Elina is happy to help.